As we launch 150 days into our Sesquicentennial Year Celebration, join us for many opportunities to journey, gather, fellowship and grow. Continually check this page and scroll down for new ways to connect!
To begin, join us in committing to say this special Sesquicentennial Prayer every day.
This Celebration Weekend will be the culminating series of events to this long journey of celebration! If you have found yourself distanced from FCC or have moved away, we invite you to come back to FCC Wilson for just a few days.
Friday, September 24 | 7PM | Music for Hope Concert "Hope Rises" Members of the Wilson area Community will come together in song in the 9th Annual Music for Hope Concert. Raising awareness for Hope Station, this free concert raises money for the longstanding issue of homelessness in our area. This concert will be livestreamed via First Christian's YouTube channel which you can find here.
----------------------------------------------------- Saturday Events have been canceled due to a rising number of Covid cases in Wilson. -----------------------------------------------------
Sunday, September 26 | 10AM | Closing Worship Service This worship service will include the premiere of four commissioned works of music. This includes two praise songs from renown musician, Andra Moran; a choral benediction by renown composer, Dr. Robert Lau and a choral introit by our Minister of Music, Casey Childers.