Sunday, January 26 | 10AM Worship Installation of Officers
Join us for worship as we share around this table that has been created for EVERYONE born! Children prek-5th grade are invited to attend children's sunday school following the children's moment. Nursery care is always available ages 4 and under! Stay after for small group and meet new friends. All are welcome into this growing community of faith!
11:11AM FCC Small Group Fellowship: What if Jesus Was Serious?
Starting on Sunday, January 12, we will explore a new book by Skye Jethani. This compilation of reflections and hand-drawn doodles takes a look at some of Jesus’ most demanding teachings in the Sermon on the Mount and pushes us to ask whether we’re really hearing what Christ is saying? The visual component of the book makes it memorable and enjoyable to read and a great springboard for discussion. The book can be purchased on several websites: Cokesbury, Christian books and Amazon, for about $8-$11. Whether you read the book or just attend and join in on the conversation, we welcome all to join us at 11:11 am on the back hall of the Educational Building.