IMAGINE a world made whole with loving-kindness, righteousness and peace. Imagine being able to see God in every person you meet. Imagine knowing God as love – a single divine wind that blows through every living thing. Imagine a world in which all people have everything they need. Imagine an end to hate and violence in this world and the next. Imagine a world with no buying – only giving.
IMAGINE a church fashioned for “a new heaven and a new earth.” Imagine a church without walls. Imagine dismantling the current order of things. Imagine church as open and welcoming as the feeding of the 5,000. Imagine people using their best talents only to serve the greater good and never caring about getting credit or earning points for heaven. Imagine what it would look like for the first to be last and the last to be first.
IMAGINE God being as close to us as a heartbeat. Imagine searching for the Creator in the depths of your soul as well as in the heights of religion. Imagine who you are and why you are here. Imagine how/where Christ is hidden in your life. Imagine a new holiness that means living unreservedly in the entirety of life. Imagine a relationship with I Am that welcomes its power to wake us up in areas of life where we are asleep.