"I found this beautiful rock at Hobby Lobby in Wilson, NC that says you are beautiful. These are words that everyone needs to hear. In God's eyes everyone is beautiful!! Amen!! I was so uplifted by this beautiful and amazing rock that I will be passing it along for someone else to find." -Charles, 9/18/2021
"My son found it in the parking lot at his preschool (FUMC). We will be putting it in a new location for someone else to find!" - Caroline, 9/15/2021
"I found this Love rock on the Whirligig stand at the corner of Nash St & Tarboro St (beside the USPS mailbox by Farris & Thomas Law Firm). I love finding these and usually keep them for encouragement and as a reminder that I matter and make a difference, but I am actually going to sit it on my coworker's desk that had a loss in their family today and needs some love right now. Take care & God bless y'all!" -Yvonne, 6/18/2021
"What a pleasant surprise to find this rock and message as I left work today! I moved it to another Downtown location so someone else can be blessed. "
"Found at Walgreens!!! Thank you for this little blessing!"
"Came to my Peak Health Appointment! I needed this reminder just now!"
"Thanks for sharing love at the Ypool!!"
"This was found this morning at Rainbow Childcare Center. It was a blessing to find this. Beautiful rock."
"Found on our church steps this a.m. at Winstead UMC in Wilson. Will pass it on!"
"My kids were the special ones to find this rock with a very special message! Thank you for being a light and shining for others!! We will definitely pass it along the way! 💗"