In June 2019, First Christian Wilson took steps to officially become a Green Chalice Congregation, joining with other Disciples’ churches who are celebrating God's creation and adopting practices to faithfully care for the earth.
After forming a small group and having completed several preliminary steps for recognition, including signing the Green Chalice Covenant at the June board meeting, we chose three changes to put our commitment into actions.
The three actions chosen for change were:
1. Enhance recycling capabilities by adding containers to locations within meeting areas around the building..
2. Investigate ways for having greener food and fellowship including dinners where congregants bring their own dinnerware.
3. Purchase 100% compostable grocery bags with our church name, website and slogan, "think green, live green".
As Disciples of Christ, we see an inherent connection between the faith we affirm and our call to be stewards of the natural resources God has bestowed upon us.
Because of this, we are committed to the cause of practicing and educating ourselves and our community about how to live in harmony with the earth, reducing our carbon footprint, and doing everything in our power to preserve the earth's resources for generations to come.
Living into being a Green Chalice Congregation is ongoing and can take many different directions. Focusing on our actions for change has helped keep us directed.