The First Christian Sanctuary Organ
1953 M.P. Möller Organ, Opus 8451
Renovated by Lincoln Pipe Organs, 2007
Renovated by Lincoln Pipe Organs, 2007
16 Gemshorn 8 Gemshorn 8 Principal 8 Flute Harmonic 4 Octave 4 Flute Twelfth 2 2/3 2 Fifteenth Mixture III 16 Basson (sw) 8 Trumpet (sw) Tremulant Chimes Great to Great 16 |
16 Rohr Gedact 8 Viole Celeste 8 Viole De Gambe 8 Rohrflöte 8 Montre 4 Spitz Prinzipal 4 Flute Plein Jeu III 2 Octavin 16 Basson 8 Trompette 8 Hautbois Tremulant Sw to Gt 16', 8', 4' Sw to Choir 16', 4’ Sw/Unison Off |
8 Unda Maris 8 Dulciana 8 Concert Flute 4 Koppelflöte Nasat 2 2/3 2 Sifflöte 8 Cromorne Tierce 1 3/5 8 Trumpet 1 1/3 Larigot Tremulant Chimes Choir to Gt 16', 8', 4' Choir to Choir 16', 4’ Ch/Unison Off |
16 Double Open Diapason 16 Soubasse 16 Rohr Bourdon (sw) 8 Open Bass 8 Gedact (sw) 8 Bass Flute 4 Choral Bass 4 Flute (sw) 16 Basson (sw) 16 Double Trompette (sw) 8 Trompette (sw) 4 Hautbois (sw) Chimes Transposition capability 100 Memory levels 16 generals Divisionals 1-6 |