September 15 Kickoff Sunday 10:00AM Coloring book distribution. For the next three weeks, the congregation will use the activity of coloring to center the body, mind and spirit on three imaginings. Participants will be invited to bring their colorings and drawings for display in the OSOF Gallery of Art each Sunday. September 18 IMAGINE Wednesday 5:30 to 7:00PM Picture, Paint and Pizza Session 1 Facilitator: Artist Martha Beland Picture a vision and paint it. The two sessions are guided by our renowned local artist and come with pizza for inspiration. Supplies provided. Art will be displayed in the OSOF Gallery of Art.
September 22 IMAGINE Sunday 11:15AM Imagine One: Imagine a world made complete with lovingkindness, righteousness and peace. Facilitator: Dr. Morgan Daughety
September 25 IMAGINE Wednesday 5:30 to 7:00PM Picture, Paint and Pizza Session 2 Facilitator: Martha Beland
September 29 IMAGINE Sunday 11:15AM Imagine Two: Imagine church as something other than a building. Facilitator: David Finnegan-Hosey
October 2 IMAGINE Wednesday 5:30 to 7:00PM Make, Model and Roll Session 1 Facilitator: Potter Sue Winstead Make a design and model it in clay. The two sessions are guided by the hands of our accomplished potter and come with a meal on a roll. Supplies provided. Pottery will be displayed in the OSOF Gallery of Art.
October 6 IMAGINE Sunday 11:15AM Imagine Three: Imagine God being as close to us as a heartbeat. Facilitator: Leigh Finnegan-Hosey
October 9 IMAGINE Wednesday 5:30 to 7:00PM Make, Model and Roll Session 2 Facilitator: Sue Winstead
October 13 Celebration Sunday Worship 10:00AM Celebration Sunday Lunch 11:15PM
Nothing in Between When hearty petals always bloom in red, And tender leaves always sprout in green, Just two colors tell life’s story, And there are no colors in between. So what if my choices are only just these two? Red is my perfect color, so is perfect green. But imagine what happens if what’s really true Is hidden somewhere in between? Anonymous