Welcome to Our Season of Faith September 25 - October 16 SOMETHING FOR ALL!
We are going back to the 1960s and there is something for everyone!
Wednesday, September 28, Dreams Night The decade of the 1960’s was a time of gigantic dreams about peace, love and harmony, human equality and much more. Dreamers saw visions of new ways as old ways passed away. On Dreams Night, Jamie Brame will unravel the scriptural meanings of dreams and visions and examine how God uses dreams every day to pour out his spirit on all people. Including you. Don’t dare dream about missing this one!
Wednesday, October 5, Fantasy Night Dreams from the 1960’s proposed startling, sometimes radical, changes to the way we live. Fantasy Night is a chance to enjoy one of Jamie Brame’s most popular activities from three decades of retreat programming at Christmount. Participants will indulge their dreams and imagine what their perfect church would look like if they had complete freedom to design it and all the money in the world to build it. Crayons and a blank sheet of paper. Fantasy fun for children and adults!
Wednesday, October 12, Meditation Night Here is Spiritual Meditation 101, a beginner’s introduction into an experience that takes you to the depths of who you are. Jamie Brame will share ways to quiet all the noise and hurry of your busy life so that you might encounter a feeling of love and light through an intentional connection to something greater than yourself. Welcome to a place of personal discovery!
Wednesday night activities will begin with a snack supper served from 5:30 to 5:45. The evening’s hourlong activity will begin promptly at 6:00. Childcare will be available. The program on October 5 is appropriate for participants of all ages.