We worship in a Unified Service at 10AM. A blended and unified service that brings together a mix of worship styles: traditional and less formal, pipe organ and guitar, dramatic readings and lively skits, the tangible hymnal and creative media, both active and contemplative. During the 11:15AM hour, you can join in on a small group or Sunday School class. Our Prayer Shawl Ministry, Small Group, #FCCROCKS and Disciples Class will all be in session! Learn more about these groups!
Activities at FCC take place in both our Sanctuary and our Education Building. The Sanctuary is the large building with the tall steeple immediately off of Vance Street. The Education Building (where Sunday School and Wednesday evening activities are held) is next to the Sanctuary, separated by the Church Bell and the entrance off of Tarboro Street.
For members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), the celebration of the Lord’s Supper is the central part of our worship, so we share the bread and cup every Sunday. No one is turned away from this table of acceptance. All are welcome here - no exceptions.
Nursery and Children's Activities
Our Nursery for children from birth to 4 years is lively and held in our Office/Education building which you enter from Tarboro Street. We have two professional nursery attendants who are on hand to care for children from 8:45AM until all morning activities have concluded.
We have an educational/fellowship hour following the service. At 11:15AM there is children's Sunday School located at the end of the main hallway in the Education Building. We also have a Worship and Wonder program for children from Kindergarten through Second Grade during the worship service. Children participate in our Children’s Moment near the beginning of the worship service and then are ushered to the Worship and Wonder room.
In the Summer months, there are activity bags as well as a book library available for children to have and use during worship.
What to Wear
You will see people dressed in a range of attire from fairly formal to quite casual. You will be welcome in whatever attire makes you feel comfortable.
Special Needs
For worship in the sanctuary, assisted hearing devices are available from our ushers. Special parking is available in a small lot behind the sanctuary which is entered from Vance Street. Both the Sanctuary and the Fellowship Hall are accessible by ramp from that parking lot. Assisted Listening System Logo FM Assisted Listening System devices are available for those with hearing impairments.
In addition to the parking mentioned above which is reserved for people with accessibility needs, we have a parking lot at the north corner of Tarboro and Vance Streets. There is also limited 'on street parking' on Tarboro Street which is now two ways.
We would be delighted to talk to you about becoming a member of First Christian Church! You can mention your interest to the Minister on the way out of the worship service or call the church office to set up a time to visit more personally. We receive people into membership during any Sunday service by a confession of faith or by a transfer of membership from another congregation. You can meet our most recent members here!